What does the RGB color table mean? The difference between RGB and CMYK

What is the RGB color chart?

RGB color mode is a color standard in the industry. It obtains various colors by changing the three color channels of red (R), green (G), and blue (B) and superposition between them. RGB is the color representing the three channels of red, green and blue. This standard includes almost all colors that human vision can perceive, and is one of the most widely used color systems.

What does the RGB color table mean? The difference between RGB and CMYK

RGB is designed based on the principle of color luminescence. In layman’s terms, its color mixing method is like red, green and blue. When their lights overlap each other, the colors are mixed, and the brightness is equal to the sum of the brightness of the three. The more you mix, the higher the brightness, that is, the additive mixing.

The superposition of the three lights red, green and blue lights, the brightest superposition area of ??the center three colors is white. The characteristics of addition and mixing: the more superposition is, the brighter it becomes.

Each color of the three color channels of red, green and blue is divided into 256-order brightness. At 0, the “lamp” is the weakest – it is turned off, and at 255, the “lamp” is the brightest. When the grayscale values ??of the three colors are the same, a gray tone with different grayscale values ??is generated. That is, when the grayscales of the three colors are 0, it is the darkest black tone; when the grayscales of the three colors are 255, it is the brightest white tone.

RGB colors are called additive colors because you can produce white by adding R, G, and B together (i.e. all light is reflected back to the eyes). Addition colors are used for lighting, TV and computer monitors. For example, the display emits light through red, green and blue phosphors to create color. The vast majority of the visual spectrum can be expressed as a mixture of red, green, and blue (RGB) three-color light in different proportions and intensities. If these colors overlap, yellow, green and purple will be produced.

The difference between RGB and CMYK

1. The two are different in nature: RGB is the color displayed by the monitor, and CMYK is the color used for printing. If you use a monitor to preview CMYK, it will change color.

2. The two are different in terms of media: RGB is mainly the best color presented by the monitor. If the monitor is displayed in CMYK mode, there will be deviations; if RGB is used for printing, there will also be deviations in the color.

3. The two have different meanings: RGB mode is a color mode based on the three primary colors of color and light. RGB images use only three colors. When unequal amounts of three color light are superimposed and mixed, various colors in nature will be reproduced on the screen.

CMY is the first letter of the three printing ink names: cyan, magenta, and yellow.

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